
Amount of key words: 965

Honorary title given to Cuban citizens and foreigners by the Council of State in recognition of extraordinary merits achieved in the creative work or in the fights for the conquests and in defense of the accomplishments and interests of the working class, as well as internationalism. It can be given posthumously. Its symbol is the Medal "Estrella de Oro del Trabajo".   Honorary title given to Cuban citizens and foreigners by the Council of State in recognition of extraordinary merits achieved in the creative work or in the fights for the conquests and in defense of the accomplishments and interests of the working class, as well as internationalism. It can be given posthumously. Its symbol is the Medal "Estrella de Oro del Trabajo".   

It was opened on January 23, 1896 with the name Hospital Militar Alfonso XIII, to honor the child king of Spain. Different Medical schools have developed in these health institutions which have made the scientific development in the field of medical sciences possible. It has more than one thousand beds in 28 blocks with operating rooms and emergency rooms. Its building is located in Vedado, Municipality of Plaza, in Havana.

It was opened on December 25, in 1930.It is located in the area between G, H and Linea streets in a neighborhood called Vedado, in the Municipality of Plaza de la Revolucion. The building has a rectangular design with a central rotunda around it; arranged by pillars of romantic influence that end in crystals of different colors.  The interior patios ventilate halls, laboratories, doctors´ offices among other spaces which are around them.

It is commonly known as Maternidad de Línea. It was opened on December 25th, 1930. It has the mission of assisting women in fertile period besides adolescence and pos menopausic. This institution has a wide assisting , teaching and researching  experience. It also assists different pathologies related to pregnancy and the assistance to infertile couple.

It has a 62 hectares surface with 36 pavilions for hospitalization, laboratories, sport and recreation facilities, rooms for occupational therapy, teaching areas,   and administrative and assurance rooms. It has more than two thousand beds. After the triumph of the Revolution on January 9th, 1959, Doctor Eduardo Bernabé Ordaz Ducunge was assigned the direction of the hospital. He did it for more than four decades.