
Amount of key words: 965

Notable lawyer and writer born on July 21, 1828 in Havana. He collaborated in the most important publications of his time. He was founder of the Guanabacoa Lyceum and was president and secretary of the literature section and Martí of this institution. He died on July 1, 1894 in the present capital.

Gonzalo de Quesada y Aróstegui, began in 1900 a beautiful bibliographic work that will have a very high value for the Cuban nation. That year, precisely on May 19, the first volume of José Martí's complete works was published in Washington: After the death of his father, his son Gonzalo de Quesada y Miranda continues this work. More than twenty volumes were published, reflecting a large number of letters, journalistic works, speeches, poems, plays, as well as diverse materials, including notes and fragments of José Martí. At present, the Centro de Estudios Martianos has been carrying out the critical edition of the Complete Works of José Martí. It has taken into account a principle stated by Juan Marinello, in 1963, in his prologue to the edition of the Complete Works of the National Publishing House of Cuba: ""A critical edition is the man and his time -all the time and all the man-, or it is a failed attempt".