
Amount of key words: 965

It was founded in 1949 with the purpose of rescuing, compiling, classifying, studying, disseminating and defending all manifestations of the heritage of Cuban musical culture.


The Institute of Nephrology was founded in 1966 as a result of several years of active work in the area of Nephrology at the Joaquín Albarrán Clinical and Surgical Teaching Hospital. The scientific-assistencial institution of advanced in the specialty, currently bears the name of Dr. Abelardo Buch López who was its founder and precursor of the nephrological specialties in Cuba. The Institute is the guiding center of the Nephrology specialty and of the national programs of Renal Transplant, Hemodialysis, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis and Chronic Kidney Disease Prevention.


It was created by Resolution 55 of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba on December 21, 1976. But it did not emerge in the scientific-technical arena as an institution of research and training of human resources in its specialty until September 1984. From its beginnings, its purposes and objectives were to develop the basic aspects of community nutrition, food and nutritional surveillance, diagnosis of the nutritional status of the population and essential aspects of clinical nutrition, which together with food hygiene, were the fundamental pillars for the development and progress of the institution as a Research Center in the context of the Ministry of Public Health of the country.


It was created on October 17, 1983. It is an institution that belongs to the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC). Its mission is to contribute to the professional development of Cuban and Latin American journalists. It is nourished by academic programs of interdisciplinary character, the exchange of experiences and the debate of the main topics in the journalistic sector and society.