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Fecha: 21/02/2019


Since the 1930s, in the 20th century, a group of wealthy Cuban families conceived the idea of ​​proposing the construction of a bridge over Havana Bay.
When they announced this the United States Congress vetoed the idea because it feared that in the case of an international conflict the port of Havana, strategically located at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, would be closed to maritime navigation, if the bridge was dynamited by the enemy
Finally it was decided to build a tunnel below the entrance to the bay.
The construction of the tunnel began in September 1955 by a French company.
Its construction lasted two years, 8 months and 12 days. It was officially opened on May 31, 1958.
It constituted the most ambitious engineering work that would be built in Havana and in Cuba, until that date.
The tunnel has a length of 733 meters below sea level and a width of 22 meters.
It has four paths, two in each direction of traffic. A car, at 60 kilometers per hour, can pass the tunnel in 44 seconds.
The entire interior of the tunnel is covered with dull white tiles that allow the reflection of light and avoid glare.

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