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Fecha: 21/02/2019


With a rich history for its close connection with the political and social life of the country, the University of Havana is the oldest center of higher education in Cuba and one of the oldest in America.
Founded on January 5, 1728 with the name of Real and Pontifical University of San Gerónimo was the thirteenth existing university in America and the first in the Caribbean area.
Initially this teaching center was located in the area of ​​Old Havana.
Almost a century and a half after having been constituted the University of Havana was secularized and became a dependency of a board.
In the year 1842 the University with its consequent transformation was renamed the Royal Literary University of Havana.
When the Spanish domination over Cuba ended, the monarchical character of the superior house of studies ceased, which from 1900 onwards began to be identified only as the University of Havana.
In 1902, the University of Havana was transferred to the buildings and lands occupied by the Military Pyrotechnics on the Arostegui Hill.


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