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publicado el 03/02/2021

Where is the Fuente de la India monument located in Havana?

The Fountain of India or Noble Havana is located where the Avenida del Prado ends near the Parque de la Fraternidad and the Capitol of Havana.

The Fountain of India or the Noble Havana, is inspired by a legend of a beautiful aborigine who received in the sixteenth century the Spanish navigators who made the bojeo to Cuba, in 1509. According to the chroniclers of the time, when the Spaniards to the current port of Havana an Indian woman sitting on a colossal rock watched them in silence and then approached them cautiously. With a circular gesture of her hands the Indian made reference to the spacious bay and the virgin mountain and pronounced the word Havana. One of the sailors immediately drew a sketch of the native seated on the rock and called it Havana. This legend was transmitted orally through time and reason for the construction of that monument, sculpted with white Carrara marble.

Initially the Fountain of India or the Noble Havana was placed at the end of the Paseo del Prado, when it extended beyond where the Capitol currently stands. Four years later it was located where it is now, but in 1863 it was transferred to the Central Park, identified then with the name of Isabel II. In 1875 the monument was placed again where it is appreciated at present but the face of the statue was placed in the direction towards the west.

The statue that can be observed in this monumental complex keeps in its right hand the shield of the city with a key that represents the strategic position of Havana and the three towers that symbolize the first existing fortresses in the Cuban capital. In his left hand he holds a cornucopia with criollo fruits topped with a pineapple. The statue is surrounded by four dolphins whose mouths used to emit jets of water. A large shell surrounds the pedestal and on top of this, on an artificial rock, sits the beautiful statue. His head is crowned with a turban of feathers and he carries on his left shoulder a quiver full of arrows.

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