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Fecha: 06/09/2022

Havana ephemeris. September 6.

 1912. Miguel Ángel Eugenio Lázaro Zacarías Izquierdo Valdés, known as Miguelito Valdés, is born in the neighborhood of Belén, in Old Havana.

Miguelito Valdés - EcuRed

Also named in the musical world as Mister Babalú, throughout his artistic career he achieved great international prestige.

He was one of the greatest vocal performers of our popular rhythms in the 20th century. He was also a notable composer and percussionist.

He died as a result of a heart attack on November 6, 1978 in a nightclub in Bogotá, the Colombian capital, where he was performing at the time.


1947.Roberto Chorens Dotres is born in Havana.

He was Director of dance at the National School of Art and the National Center for the Improvement of Artistic Teaching. He also served as deputy director and director of the National School of Music, National Music Advisor of the Directorate of Artistic Education of the Ministry of Culture, Dean of the Music Faculty of the Higher Institute of Art and Director of the Amadeo Roldán Conservatory.

Parallel to these administrative responsibilities, he also worked as a teacher, lecturer and concert organist, specializing in ancient music repertoires, an activity that allowed him to perform on numerous national and international stages.

For his professional work he received several awards and distinctions: Distinction for Cuban Education, Diploma of Pedagogical Merit, Distinction for National Culture, Alejo Carpentier Medal, National Award for Artistic Teaching, among others.

His death occurred in Havana on July 28, 2020.


1963.  As part of the collateral activities of the II Capablanca in Memoriam Chess, to be held in Havana, Commander Ernesto Che Guevara participates in a simultaneous game in which he plays against former world champion Mijail Tal, from the then Soviet Union, and the game ends in a draw. Che was a lover of the science game.


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