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Fecha: 08/05/2022

Mother´s Day Celebration

The first time a tribute like this was celebrated was on May 10, 1920 at the spot occupied by the Popular Theater of the Instruction and Recreation Center of Santiago de las Vegas.

Francisco Montoto García had suggested beforehand, the idea of celebrating Mother´s Day on that day in the same place, but on April 19, 1920. This institution was founded in 1882 for progressive intellectuals and tobacco workers.

Montoto alluded to the efforts realized by the American citizen Anna Jarvis for the institutionalization in the state of Philadelfia and across the United States, the celebration of the Mother´s Day. It was finally aproved in United States and the second Sunday of May was chosen as a remembrance of Anna Jarvis´death.

The white Carnation was selected representative flower for being the favorite flower of Anna.

Montoto´s proposal-who lived in Cuba between 1891 and 1940-was greatfully accepted in Cuba , althought some complained arguing that the idea seemed to be an imitation of the American version.

Journalist Victor Muñoz was the first one in supporting publicly the Mother´s Day celebration.

About it, he published a chronicle in El Mundo journal, on Sunday May 9.

After being elected councillor, Muñoz presented a motion in the session of April 27 of 1921 for declaring the second Sunday of May every year the chosen day for celebrating Mother´s Day.

Victor A. Muñoz Riera, renewed writter and journalist, was founder of the Journalist Association for which he worked as Secretary. He was born in Havana in January 1st, 1873 and died in New York on July 25th, 1922.

His journalistic works were remarkable and focussed on the chronicle, in which he used to bring about topics of great human and social interest.

Most of his works were signed under the pseudonym ¨Attache¨.

Due to economic issues , he and his family were forced to move to the United States. He worked in tobacco factories in Key west and Tampa, in which he stood out as a magnificent reader.

He collaborated with the publications ¨Cuba¨, in Tampa; ¨Yara¨in Key West, which were means that used to defend freedom of his homeland.

This May 8, once more Cuban mothers will receive their children and family´s  homage just as the homage paid by the society in general.

Certainly, many will receive postcards specially dedicated, with original messages detailing Marti´s thoughts about mothers.

Marti highlighted that mothers arms are like baskets of flowers and assured that mothers are the basement of life.

¨Every mother should be named Wonder¨, he wrote on his notebooks.


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