The historical significance of the Communist Party of Cuba.
Nowaday, the Communist Party of Cuba is the organization that constitutes the highest and strongest leading political force of the Society and the State in our country.
This is expressed at the Socialist Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, approved in 2019.
The Communist Party of Cuba, unique, follower of Marti´s ideas and work, fidelists, marxists, leninists; organized vanguard of the homeland, based on a democratic character and its permanent bond with the people , which is its role in our socialist society.
The Party leads and organizes the common efforts in the construction of socialism and works for the endurance, preservation and strengthening of the patriotic unity of the cubans as well as for the education on ethic, moral and civic values.
The Cuban Revolutionary Party is the historic predecessor of the Communist Party of Cuba. The Cuban Revolutionary Party was created by José Martí and was proclaimed on April 10th ,1892, that said, 130 years ago and also became the first marxist-leninist party founded in Cuba in 1925.
Two years after the Revolution´s Triumph- in January ,1959 and just after being held the Socialist character of the Cuban Revolution , in an act that took place on April 16,1961 –a wide unifiying process took place with the creation of the Integrated Reolutionary Organizations(ORI).
The Movement July 26th, The Popular Socialist Party, the Revolutionary Directorate March 13th, merged into a single organization .
In March, 1962, few months after the creation of the ORI,a new stage in the construction of a party initiated. It was initially named United Party Of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba (PURSC).
This way the construction of a new party began in the country, under the principle of a rigourous and individual selection , endorsed by the consultation with the workers.
Concepts and methods were specified back then, under the aim of the creation of the grassroots organizations.
During the first days of October, 1965 a meeting that gathered numerous general secretaries of the grassroots organizations took place. There it was conceiled that the organization would be named Communist Party of Cuba.
Likewise, its first Central Committee and the members of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat were selected there. Fidel was elected First Secretary and Raul, deputy-secretary.
It was also approved the creation of the newspaper Gramma as the official organ of the Central Committee of the Party.
Summing up what was agreed in that magnum event of the Cuban Party, Fidel pointed out for the occasion: "A new age is coming in our country´s history, a different society, a different goverment system; the government of a party: the party of the workers, integrated by the best workers, with full engament and participation of the poeple. So that, we can trully say, that the party is the vanguard of the workers, their representation in a our revolutionary democracy."
Fidel further detailed: ¨This party will be a thousand times more democratic than the bourgeoisie democracy, for we will go through new administrative and political ways that will be linked to the constant participation of the people in the solving of the society problems, by creating suitable organisms, through the Party at all levels¨.
The First Congress of the Communist Party was celebrated on December, 1975.
Precisely at the closure event of that Congress, Fidel assured: We have a Party united in ideology, in the commonwealth of purpuses. We have a close neat Leadership. For that reason we can state that the Revolution was never stronger, the Party and the People were never as attached , our revolutionary consciousness much higher than after being created the Party.
The trascendence of Fidel´s words have endured over decades and have been discussed in analysis and arrangements adopted during the Congresses , at the municipal and provincial assembly and essentially in the daily actions of the Party and in the attitude and work performed by its members.
It can be pointed out that the Party plays and will continue playing a vital role in the developement of the socialist society, in the fight against the slanderous campaigns and agressions of all kind, in the political and ideological education of the people and in the work that is being carried out every day for facing the limitations and problems in the society and move forward.
Just as Fidel said, in that First Congress, the Party is the summ of all. "The revolutionaries´dreams throught the history are sinthesized in it. Ideas, principles and the Revolution´s strength become solid in it; our individualities vanish inside the party and then, we learn about the sense of community; the Party is our educator, our teacher, our guide, our vigilant consciousness in times when we are not capable of detecting our mistakes, our flaws and limitations; we are all summ up in it and together we make of each other a spartan warrior fighting for the righteous of all causes and became an invencible giant."