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publicado el 07/03/2022

The Central Palace of Computers and Electronics: with the magic of technology

By Elena Milagros Godinez Dalmau

This March 7, the Central Palace of Computing and Electronics, located in the Centro Habana municipality, celebrates its 31st anniversary and does so with more splendor, more technology and many families to take all its work to. Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz inaugurated it on this day and called it "The Capital of the Youth Club".

Its mission is to offer services in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as to develop programs, computer products and provide all generations with this knowledge through its many specialists.

The Central Palace of Computers and Electronics has great potential for the development of these technologies and since its inception has also focused on providing courses of different modalities such as: basic and advanced computing, design, programming, hardware and others of great interest, not only for children and young people, but also for adults and seniors.

Every year, this recreational and educational institution sets new goals and integrates new projects and services to the community.

Its exclusive products include Mochila, a cultural consumption alternative for the whole family, launched in 2014, where it distributes materials of different formats, both national and foreign, that provide enjoyment and culture to everyone.

Other products include Ecured, a collaborative encyclopedia; Reflejos, Estanquillo and La Tendedera.

The institution also provides computer security services to those who need them. For this reason, the following services are important:

- Internet search - Information on the current world of Informatics, computing and telecommunications (Information obtained through the librarians).

- CD copying - Reproduction of computer programs (educational software, Multisaber Collection, software on the life of José Martí, antivirus, design programs, programming, among others).

- Bibliographic Consultation (Computer Books).

- Newspaper Library (Newspapers, Magazines, brochures and Computer Manuals).

- Delivery of information on demand.

- Decontamination.

- Antivirus update.

- Reading Room.

The Palacio de la Computación y la Electrónica is a magical place, every year more than a hundred children and young people leave their mark in the headquarters in search of knowledge and also fun.

The Havana Citizen's Portal congratulates all its collective for these 31 years of experience and youth, desire to do and contribute to the capital's communities.


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