Fidel Catro : “ Great ideas can expect a lot from Young People “
I address young People in this moment. To whom The Revolution has concentrated the maximum effort in and has put their hopes in them”
The leader of the Revolution pronounced this phrase in Santiago de Cuba where we are not amazed at anything. Youth for Fidel “is like a thermometer that points at justice, like a compass that shows where justice is”
It is the of the World Youth Day, our history makers, those who continued the work that started in the mambises war of 1968, continue the struggle of many young people, men and women who has built the Revolution in a necessary and proactive war which defines us under the premise of being eternal continuity.
…” we are supporters of having young people well educated, well taught , well organized, well trained ”…
When a Secondary school was opened in Ceiba del Agua, on January 7th, 1971, in a memorable speech, he made reference to the strength of the young people in the defense and development of our society.
“We expect young people of will , young people of character, young people of strong spirit, who do not get discourage by any difficulty, that do not retreat before any obstacle”
For the giant of Biran to trust in young people is part of his ideals for the construction of the work that immortalize him forever, that is the spirit which helps him trust the Generation of the Centenary to assault hope on that glorious July 26th , 1953, is the troop that goes with him to create “ the new school”, hospitals, constructors brigades, develop tourism, hydraulic resolve, scientific centers.
It was the young people who surrounded Fidel to develop possible dreams when the country needed them. Big social realizations came out of his long meetings, as the development of art instructors, integral teachers, social workers. His command enriched the spirit of many Cubans that spread a work which germinates for more than six decades in the soul of the country.
Young people were always and are with Fidel now. When he was with children, with young people, his heart seemed to be beating differently and his mind travels in time to a bright future of fabulous peace…His words confirm it in the speech delivered in the city of New Jersey, on April 21, 1959 in his first trip to United States.
“…I feel a especial emotion every time I have the time to meet young people, because I know nations and big ideals can expect too much from young people”.
Trust and credibility corroborate that indomitable spirit he always had, but full of love for the new generations which he called, talking as Jose Marti used to “Los pinos nuevos”. Nevertheless, the best definition of that infinite validity link was a prophesy on April 4th, 1972 in the closing session of the Second Congress of the Union of Young Communists when he assured in a premonitory way:
“This country believes in young people! This Revolution believes in young people, in their magnificent qualities, in their great perspectives!
Thanks Fidel for all and for so much, for trusting in the future , in your past, in your present . Thanks for the Legacy. Like the wind #FidelPorSiempre germinates day by day in hardworking and dedicated hands of the young people of the Country. Thanks Fidel!
By Maria Salomé Campanioni and Víctor Pérez-Galdós