Imágenes y Palabras

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publicado el 09/07/2021


The bronze sculpture of the emblematic fictional character Cecilia Valdés, the work of artist Erig Rebull is the only one of its kind in Cuba. The statue has been placed since December 20, 2014 in the small Plazuela del Angel, in front of the atrium of the Church of the Holy Guardian Angel in Old Havana, which is precisely the place where many scenes of the novel Cecilia Valdes, created by Cirilo Villaverde, took place. The sculpture of Cecilia Valdes, which represents the mulatto protagonist of the story, is in front line with the monument of the writer placed there in 1946. The work is made up of 18 meticulously welded pieces, some of which were cast and remelted more than once.

The artist conceived the sculpture with a dark color of greenish tonalities that give it an elegant package and make it a focus of attention for those who enter the small square. This work also causes an optical illusion, due to the inclination of the paving of the square. This makes it appear taller than it really is if someone stands to the right, and if they stand to the left, it gives the impression of being smaller. Very close to the place a bust and a tombstone dedicated to Cirilo Villaverde can be appreciated.

Church of the Holy Guardian Angel

The Church of the Holy Guardian Angel, founded in 1755, is located on a slight elevation then called Peña Pobre and later Loma del Angel in Old Havana. This church is related to two relevant figures of Cuban history and culture: Félix Varela and José Martí. Both were baptized there, in the case of Varela on November 27, 1788 and Martí on February 12, 1853. In addition, this church is interrelated with the most significant novel of the Cuban author Cirilo Villaverde in the 19th century; in this case the one entitled Cecilia Valdés, since the area where the sanctuary is located was the main scenario where the plot of the aforementioned novel unfolded.


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