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Fecha: 08/06/1867

Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso is born in Havana.

 He was one of the youngest generals of the Cuban War of Independence. His father's influence played a decisive role in the formation of his character and in his decision to serve the cause of the independence of his native land. As time went by, he graduated as a doctor and went to practice this profession in the town of Vega Alta, in the then province of Las Villas. Like other mambises, he preferred to fight for the freedom of Cuba and leave or postpone the exercise of his profession.

Cuban War of Independence

It began in Cuba on October 10, 1868 in the Demajagua sugar mill owned by Cárlos Manuel de Céspedes. It initially lasted almost ten years. It was later resumed in August 1879, but it lasted only a short period of time, which is why it was identified as the Chiquíta War. On February 24, 1895, the war for the independence of Cuba was resumed and lasted until 1898.


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