Fidel Castro Ruz

Fidel Castro Ruz

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Fecha: 01/06/2021

Cuba and International Children's Day

In 1889, José Martí described children as the hope of the world in the introduction to the magazine La Edad de Oro (The Golden Age). He also raised important considerations about how they should be cared for and the work that should be done to achieve their adequate formation.

For example, in a work published in the Revista Universal, of Mexico on May 13, 1875, he pointed out: "Feelings of independence and dignity should be cultivated in childhood as a priority."

Taking into account what Martí said, and what a great continuator of his life and work, in this case Fidel Castro Ruz, maximum leader of the Cuban Revolution, also stated, in our country, from the revolutionary victory of January 1, 1959, priority was given to the due attention of infants and to guarantee their full right to health, education and recreation, just to cite three issues of great connotation.

Fidel repeatedly referred to the subject of childhood both in speeches and in his works. He showed the great affection he felt for children and emphasized how many men and women of the Cuban people had fought and given their lives in the effort to make children happy.

On January 6, 1962, at the inauguration of the Francisco "Paquito" Gonzalez" Pioneers' Palace in Ranchuelo, he said:

And we want all children to be happy!  For children to be happy we have fought, for children to be happy many patriots have had to give their lives, from Martí, Maceo and all those who have died".  

And on September 17, 1966 when speaking at the closing of the National Meeting of Monitors at the Chaplin Theater in Havana he emphasized the priority given by the Revolution to the formation of children and young people. He detailed "...we have been aware, from the very beginning of the Revolution, that we would triumph in this great historical task to the same extent that we were capable of solving well the problem of the formation of the new generations."  

I have pointed out these considerations of both Martí and Fidel taking into account that this June 1st is also celebrated in Cuba the "International Children's Day".

This date was instituted in the world in correspondence with what was agreed upon at the Congress for the Defense of Children held in Vienna in April 1952. The purpose of this initiative was to promote formulas to achieve the harmonious development of the child's personality and to launch a universal campaign to ensure a fuller life for infants.

Precisely, the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, states the need to protect them against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation.

Every November 20 is celebrated the #DíaUniversaldelNiño, date on which, the General Assembly of the United Nations @ONU_es approved in 1959 the Declaration of the Rights of the Child | Via @RazonesdeC #Cuba

- Radio Reloj, Cuba (@RadioRelojCuba) November 21, 2020

The aforementioned Declaration also details how necessary it is to educate children in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, friendship among peoples, peace and universal fraternity and with the full awareness that they should devote their energies and skills to the service of their fellow men.

In Cuba, the International Children's Day was celebrated for the first time on June 1, 1963.

Since then, every year on this date multiple activities are carried out, although beyond that, in our country we constantly carry out programs aimed at promoting the defense of children and their full incorporation in educational, artistic, sports and recreational activities that contribute to their full formation and development.

In a very special way, I mention that in Cuba there has existed since 1961 the Organization of Pioneers that has been identified for years with the name of José Martí, the Apostle of the Cuban Independence.

In Cuba there is currently a publishing house, identified as Gente Nueva, which creates works especially aimed at children and adolescents.

There are also publications, among them Pionero and Zun zún, dedicated to the younger generations of Cubans, as well as radio and television programs and films in which many children participate.

There are also artistic groups made up of children that enjoy great prestige at the national level and some, as is the case of La Colmenita, have achieved great notoriety at the international level.

There are also palaces and pioneer camps, playgrounds and other areas and buildings in different parts of Cuba where children can enjoy hours of recreation and at the same time obtain valuable knowledge and skills.

The International Children's Day is an annual celebration dedicated to promoting the welfare and rights of children.

Both last year and this year it has not been possible in the world, nor in Cuba, to carry out massive activities on this date due to the limitations imposed by the fight against the Covid 19 pandemic. In this 2021 Cuba pays tribute to this date by fighting hard to protect the lives of the population, especially its children and adolescents.

Precisely in the information provided daily in the Press Conference of Dr. Francisco Durán García, National Director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health, a recurrent and highly sensitive topic is the situation of Covid-19 infection by infants and the insistence on the measures that must be adopted both in institutions and in families to achieve due protection and thus prevent infants from being affected by the pandemic is reiterated.  

Also something of similar connotation is the great effort made by the Ministry of Education, the Cuban Television and particularly the Educational Channel, for the systematic transmission of classes that can make up in some measure for the direct absence of teachers and students in the educational centers.

We are grateful for the collaboration of Cuban Television, especially the Educational Channel, for using the theme of Energy Saving in the 3rd grade Spanish Language teleclasses. Together We Can. For #Cuba #SaveNow

- Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Republic Cuba (@EnergiaMinasCub) September 2, 2020.

On this International Children's Day, even with the great limitations derived from the pandemic and the economic blockade of the United States, Cuba continues to work in favor of those who, as José Martí pointed out, are the hope of the world.

On this symbolic day, we must also pay tribute to all those who, beyond a specific moment, work systematically so that children may have a better future. Much is being done every day in the country, and it is still necessary to continue doing more.

In this regard, I quote something Fidel said on July 15, 1984, when speaking at an activity held on the occasion of Children's Day, at the event held at the "Ernesto Che Guevara" Central Palace of Pioneers in Havana, he said: "We are aware that we are creating a new world, and of that new world, these children, these pioneers, are its best expression... We are well aware that we are still far from being able to speak of perfection:

We are aware that we are creating a new world, and of that new world, these children, these pioneers, are its best expression...We are well aware that we are still far from being able to speak to them of perfections. No matter how great the work of the Revolution is, we have no right, nor will we feel satisfied with what we have done! Eternal nonconformity must be one of our currencies, because when we achieve something, we always know that much more can still be achieved. And if things have been done well, we know that they can still be done much better, and if they have been done badly, all the more reason to rectify, to perfect, to do them well and to do them better.

But we are well aware that we are engaged in the task of creating a new world, that many things and more things can be done and done better, we have that conviction, we have that hope."


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