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publicado el 13/05/2021

How is the monument at the entrance of the China Town of Havana identified?

The two columns monument which is the entrance of the China Town of Havana is known as the Door of the Rising Sun. It is the biggest in the country and the biggest in Latin America. It is situated in the streets Dragones and Amistad. The arcade is an expression of a thousand- year- old tradition. It is 18, 8 meters wide, 13 meters high and 6 meters in the lowest part. It is a 138 tons concrete structure with three peak roofs. Two columns and the beams are made of reinforced concrete covered with gray granite and marble. Red and golden colors are predominant. When the rising sun and the setting sun reflect on the arcade they give it a similar color to scarlet red. It has a light garland around it and at nights it dazzles because of its illumination and majestic appearance.

Chinese people regularly settled in an area in the current municipality of Centro Habana. The fact made this place known as The China Town of Havana. There was a time in which this place was the most famous and the biggest in America, following the one in San Francisco in United States. 

The China Town of Havana

A group of emigrants came from Asia in the 19Th centuries and started to settle in 60 hectares, in the current municipality of Centro Habana.  The fact made this place known as The China Town of Havana .The neighborhood emerged in 1858, and expanded so fast that in its time it became the biggest and the most famous in America. The area includes some institutions which bring together resident Chinese in Cuba and their descendants. In this place a traditional festivity inherited from a thousand- year- old history is held.  It is a kind of parade, transferred to the Caribbean and is headed by the classic Chinese dragon.

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