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Fecha: 21/02/2019


In one of the most valuable and ancient buildings in Old Havana, the Casa de la Obrapía, is located a suggestive museum in which collections of biscuit, silver, porcelain, oil paintings, other pieces of the 19th century and paintings are exhibited. murals
This is one of the few remaining buildings of the 17th century in Havana and stands out not only from the architectural point of view, but also for its extraordinary interior decoration.
It is located on Calle Obrapía, with number 158 and was the residence of Don Gaspar Riberos de Vasconcelos. The house has large rooms, corridors, rooms furnished in colonial style and a central courtyard, adorned by a cistern, which provides water to the inhabitants. On the facade are the shields of the Calvo de la Puerta, as well as that of the Castellón and the crown of the Marquis of Monte Hermoso, who at different times were the owners of the residence.
The Casa de la Obrapía dedicates one of its rooms, named "Return to the Seed", to exhibit objects belonging to the famous Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier, author of the homonymous work, among other relevant novels.


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