
Amount of key words: 965

It is also known as G Street and is one of the most important and wide avenues of Havana, particularly in the area called Vedado. It starts in Avenida del Malecon and ends in Zapata street, close to Plaza de la Revolucion. The name Avenue of the Presidents is due to the fact that other monuments were built in this avenue to honor other presidents of Cuba. At the end of the 20th century other monuments of relevant Latin American figures were built.


The Avenida de la Independencia is commonly known as Rancho Boyeros. It is one of the longest and important roads of the Cuban capital. It extends from South to North from Rancho Boyeros area, in the municipality of the same name, to the intersection of the Avenida de los Presidentes or G Street and Salvador Allende; in this case known as Carlos III. It is rather near the different offices and terminals of the International Airport Jose Marti. This avenue has three ascendant roads and three descendant roads. They are separated by a sidewalk with a wall, some palm trees or boxes with different ornamental plants. It also has street lamps with two light bulbs facing both sides of the road.

Its name derives, according to popular legend, from the existence of a large number of jibaro animals in the territory before the arrival of civilization. It is located on the southwestern coast of Cuba. On the western shore of the bay there are coral reefs that border the Zapata Swamp. On the eastern side there are long beach’s with mangroves and marshy areas located inland. Playa Larga and Playa Girón located within its territory were the scene of an invasion sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, of the United States in order to overthrow the Revolutionary Government of Cuba. It was defeated by the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Cuban people in less than 72 hours.