
Amount of key words: 965

It was created in Havana in 1916 and was the most relevant contribution from the generation of the 19th century to the one of the 20th century.  It was to model and renew the field of culture regarding the visual arts. He implicated the people involved in the artistic creation, education, exhibition, marketing, critics and collecting .Non avant-gardism modernization as well as the first feelings of avant –garde coincide in his Halls.

It is one of the most outstanding buildings of the University of Havana. It has been the scene of important social, cultural and political events. In its interior are kept significant elements of the history of Cuba. In one corner of the hall lie the remains of the distinguished figure of Latin American medicine, Carlos Juan Finlay. On the opposite side rest in a marble urn the remains of the Cuban philosopher and priest Félix Varela.


She was born in the city of Camagüey on January 27, 1842. For her patriotic work she was expelled from Cuba by order of the Spanish Captain General Valeriano Weyler. Years later, when she returned to her native land, she joined the literary and journalistic work. Later she founded the National Academy of Arts and Letters.