
Amount of key words: 965

It was a cultural institution that brought together the promoters of the Fine Arts and Humanities; it favored the development of exhibitions, conferences, literary tertulias, among other cultural related sessions.It was established on March 15, 1930 and was the unification of two institutions: The Association of Painters and Sculptors and the Cuban Club of fine Arts.

Initially identified as Santa María del Puerto Príncipe, Camagüey was one of the first towns created in Cuba by the Spaniards in the 16th century. It is currently the third most important city in Cuban territory. Due to its importance, it has been granted the status of National Monument and its historic urban center also holds the status of Cultural Heritage of Humanity, which was granted in 2008 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Camagüey is usually identified as the city of the “tinajones”, due to the large number of “tinajones” vessels that are still preserved in many of the patios of its old buildings. It is also known as the city of the Major, due to the fact that Ignacio Agramonte was born there, who reached the rank of Major General of the Cuban Liberation Army and was one of the most relevant fighters for the independence of Cuba in the 19th century.


Manzanillo is a Cuban Eastern city. It is located in the South of  the province of Granma in the Gulf of Guacanayabo. This fact favors its economical, social and cultural development. It was founded by the Royal Order of July 11, 1792. Manzanillo is currently the second city of importance and the main port of the province of Granma. It is well known by its beautiful oriental style square in its central park. There are also several historical and cultural interesting places, as the Parochial Church La Purísima Concepción and the house of the famous poet Manuel Navarro Luna.