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Fecha: 21/02/2019


Havana, capital of Cuba, has some avenues that have unique characteristics and have served as the scene of important events. Such is the case of Avenida del Prado.

The construction of the Prado de La Habana dates from 1772, and was created at the initiative of the Marquis de la Torre, during the second half of the 18th century. In its origins, this tour extended from the area where the Castillo de la Punta is located to the Puerta de Tierra de la muralla, but when the Havana Capitol was built in 1929, a section of the walkway was eliminated and the section that remained was remodeled.

At the beginning of the existence of this walk its central part was unpaved and only had trees around it. Later several Spanish rulers ordered to make modifications.

Throughout time, the Paseo del Prado has been known or officially named as: "Alameda de Extramuros", "Alameda de Isabel Segunda", "Paseo del Prado", "Paseo de la Reina" and "Paseo José Martí".

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