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Fecha: 21/02/2019


With a singular portal with ten well-carved stone columns that form nine equal arches, although irregular in their intermediates, it is majestically presented on one of the sides of the Plaza de Armas, the old Palace of the General Captains.
Its construction began in 1776 and was completed in 1791. The first Spanish General Captain to install his residence there was Don Luis de Las Casas, who moved to this building in 1790 when it was still pending completion.
The building has a spacious roof and a beautiful central courtyard.
In 1834 the Palace was embellished with a Carrara marble doorway that adorns the main entrance and on which stands the Spanish Royal Crown with the coat of arms adorned by the necklace of the Knightly Order of the Golden Fleece.
In the central part of the Palace you can see a statue of Christopher Columbus, franked by two tall royal palms and a sinuous yagruma with a high crown.

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