of my Havana

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publicado el 21/01/2021

Miguel Antonio de Carrion de Cardenas

Medical doctor Miguel Antonio Carrion de Cardenas, came to occupy an important place in Cuban literature. He created several novels, among them those identified as El milagro, Las honoradas, Las impuras as well as La sfinge. He died in Havana on July 30, 1929.
His birth had also occurred in the Cuban capital on April 9, 1875.
He studied primary and secondary education in his hometown and then entered the Law School of the University of Havana. But after a year of studying in that center, he had to abandon it because of the revolutionary activities he was carrying out after the war for independence had been resumed in Cuba in 1895.
Then he emigrated to the United States and did not return to his homeland until 1903.
In Cuba he won a position as a teacher in primary school, but the following year he resigned to continue playing that role.
Already in 1905 he was part of the Biology Association and three years later he graduated as a doctor and joined the Society of Clinical Studies of Havana.
Later he was awarded the Facultative Assistant of the Department of X-rays, attached to the School of Medicine of the University of Havana, which he carried out until 1913.
From that year he worked in the Cuban Charity Association until in 1917 he won by opposition the Chair of Physical Education, Games and Sports and Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene of Havana.
Between 1921 and 1922 he worked directly with the secretary of Public Instruction and Fine Arts and in 1923 he returned to the chair of physical education and was appointed secretary of the school.
In 1926 he was appointed to lead the Normal School and was also a member of the National Academy of Arts and Letters.
Beyond the work done in the fields of medicine and teaching, Miguel de Carrión also developed an active work as a journalist, since in 1899 he began to collaborate with a publication identified as Freedom.
In 1903 he founded the specialized magazine Cuba Pedagógica and some years later he created others, in some of which he held management positions.
Three years later he published the school text work Estudios de la naturaleza and in 1912, in the field of his profession as a doctor, he published a book entitled The kidney stones and its diagnosis.
Some of his works of fiction The miracle was written by him between 1897 and 1898 and published in 1903, Las honoradas was published in 1917 while Las impuras two years later.
The Sphinx is estimated to have been made in 1919 but it was not edited until 1961.
Miguel de Carrion also gave lectures on different scientific and literary subjects.
He left unfinished a novel that he titled The Principle of Authority.

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