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publicado el 03/02/2021

In which institution of the city of Havana is the Garden of Fame located?

The Garden of Fame is located at the University of Havana. This garden is located by the side angle of the Faculty of Exact Sciences and also in the back. It is a variegated walk covered with exotic palms, trees of intricate tropical flora, and decorated by the occasional Camagüey tinajón.

The Garden of Fame is populated by famous busts dedicated to perpetuate the memory of national and foreign scholars, who at different times contributed to the enrichment of this significant house of studies. There are, for example, sculptures by Baron Alejandro Von Humboldt, cataloged as the Second Discoverer of Cuba, that of the prominent cartographer Esteban Pichardo Tapia, of Dominican descent and founder of the geographical studies in Cuba, that of Benito Juárez, Benemérito de las Américas , those of the venerable patricians Félix Varela, Ramón Zambrana and José de la luz and Caballero, three important Cuban figures who promoted the development of their respective sciences and others whose lives linked with the great teaching center have placed them in a place designated to preside over the historical site.

Created on January 5, 1728 with the name of Royal and Pontifical University of San Geronimo, it was the thirteenth largest center of higher education in America and the first in the Caribbean area.

Later named the University of Havana is the oldest institution in Cuba in regard to higher education. Initially it was in the area of ​​Old Havana, in the area between Obispo, Monserrate, O'Reilly and San Ignacio streets, where the convent of Santo Domingo was located and in which the San Gerónimo university exists today. faculty attached to the University of Havana where the Career Preservation and Management of Historic-Cultural Heritage courses.

In the University of Havana is also located the Plaza Cadenas name given in honor of the engineer José Manuel Cadenas, who died in 1939, who was one of the best rectors of this institution. There is also the Library that was built in 1937 and was the work of the architect Joaquín Weis.

The University of Havana has the Aula Magna in which ceremonies and very significant acts are held. On October 28, 1906 began to build the Aula Magna, which was officially opened in the academic year of 1911.

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