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publicado el 18/11/2022

The Spanish company SALHER participated again in FIHAV.

By Annolan Marichal

The Spanish engineering company and manufacturer of equipment and solutions for water treatment, SALHER, participated in this edition of FIHAV 2022.

Its technical director, Luis Santos, explained that it has five lines of business: urban wastewater; industrial wastewater; water purification system; water reuse system and hydrocarbon separators.

He highlighted that despite the economic difficulties we are going through at the moment, his company returned to the Fair this time with the aim of resuming issues of plants that have previously been set up in the country and for new projects. .

The water treatment is of great need and during the day of FIHAV 2022, they have had several requests and offers, so the result in this event is considered satisfactory.

Santos pointed out that approximately eight years ago SALHER has signed contracts for water treatment in our country with hotels, residential areas and mainly with the industry (fishing industry, meat industry and rum industry), that is, it has different projects in various areas.

Photos of Carmen Vera More

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