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Fecha: 08/10/2022

Havana ephemeris. October 8th.

 1929.  The Cuban Aviation Company was created in Havana.

Cubana de Aviación - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

It is a company in charge of the national and international transportation of passengers, cargo and mail. It is among the first airlines that started the era of commercial flights. It belongs to the International Air Transport Association, the International Aeronautical Telecommunications Society and the Latin American Air Transport Society.


1942.  The First National Congress of History is held in the Municipal Palace of Havana. It was chaired by Dr. Fernando Ortíz.

In that year, the Cuban Society of Historical and International Studies agreed to hold an annual National Congress of History, with the aim of promoting the greatest boom in historical studies, as well as disseminating knowledge of history beyond the circle of specialists to the very heart of the town.

In this Congress, held under the particular conditions created in the country by World War II, the democratic and patriotic will of its participants was raised, especially Dr. Emilio Roig de Leuchsenring, Historian of the City of Havana.


1959.   In a ceremony held in the Central Park of Havana, Commander Ernesto Che Guevara highlights the importance of education and popular culture. He refers to the capital interest that the fight against illiteracy should have and how that evil had been eradicated from the ranks of the Rebel Army through cultural improvement.


1967.  Composer Néstor Milí Bustillo dies.

He was one of the founders of the Association of Cuban Troubadours and the Society of Cuban Authors. Later he created a group of mambo dancers for which he was also a choreographer.

He was awarded gold records in Mexico and Spain for his composition “El yerbero”. In 1961 he founded the vocal quartet “Los Zafiros” , with which he recorded his first long-playing record (LD).

Among his musical works, La Caminadora and He hears the rumor of a proclamation stand out.

His birth had occurred on February 18, 1910 in Havana.


1993.  A 36-meter sculptural relief is inaugurated in Havana that reflects Commander Ernesto Che Guevara on the main facade of the Ministry of the Interior building in the José Martí Revolution Square.

La Plaza de la Revolución - La Habana, Cuba - Atlas Obscura

Created by the painter, designer, sculptor and engraver Enrique Ávila González, the work was based on the world-famous photo of Alberto Korda and the inscription "Hasta la victoria siempre", a phrase reflected by Che in the farewell letter he left to Fidel Castro leaving Cuba in 1965 to give his internationalist contribution to the cause of other peoples.

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