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Fecha: 23/09/2022

Havana ephemeris. September 23.

1911. Eduardo Robreño is born in Havana.

Tinta añeja: las conversaciones habaneras de Eduardo Robreño | OnCubaNews

Through his existence, he was a man who had the gift of words to convey anecdotes, experiences and tell dissimilar stories of characters and events in the life of the Cuban people through the talks he held and also in several books that write.

It has been affirmed that he was the image of the conversational Cuban par excellence since he captivated the public and readers with the picaresque manner, full of Creole flavor, that he used.

There was even someone who, listening to him, might think that what he was recounting, because it was sometimes very little known, could even be the fruit of his imagination, but the truth is that as he told them, at the end almost all or all of his interlocutors left convinced that these were real or at least credible stories.

His death occurred on June 24, 2001.


1966. The Camilo Cienfuegos Military Schools are created.

Escuela de pueblo, sonrisa y verde olivo - Juventud Rebelde - Diario de la  juventud cubana

The first of these institutions was founded on the site of the old Loyola Military Academy, located near Punta Brava in the municipality of La Lisa.

Since its inception, these educational centers have been a reference in the training of new generations, both at the academic level and in the pool of future officers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces.



2002. The University of Informatics Sciences is founded in the municipality of La Lisa in Havana.

It emerged as a project of the Cuban Revolution with the aim of computerizing the country and developing the software industry to contribute to its development.

This young university already has relevant results as part of its operation, supported by other institutions in the country and by the efforts of the entire university community.


2010. The prominent Cuban cartoonist and cartoonist Alberto Rodríguez Espinosa (Albén) dies.

Fallece caricaturista cubano Alberto Enrique Rodríguez Espinosa - Juventud  Rebelde - Diario de la juventud cubana

His birth occurred in the city of Caibarién. From the student stage in high school he began to draw. Back then, he would go out with his paint box to label the city's businesses.

In his professional work, his line and theme were varied, as evidenced by the hundreds of originals that dealt with various topics as well as his personal caricatures.

Holmos is the most popular of the characters in his creation. With Évora Tamayo he worked on the scripts for these comic strips. This is how his books named Smoking a pipe and other customs, With laughter on the air, New adventures of Mr. Holmos Holmos detective and The brave hunters, were born, mainly aimed at children.

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