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publicado el 05/07/2022

Promote a green and circular economy for the capital

This Monday, July 4, the Technical Seminar began at Quinta de los Molinos: "Good practices in Circular Economy in Extremadura and the Basque Country", as part of a strategy that includes holding international events with the aim of socializing and expanding programs that promote necessary changes in the forms of management and consumption today.


Photo: Havana Radio

In this context, the Extremadura exchange mission was born, which will take place until July 8, 2022 at Quinta de los Molinos, a National Monument institution located in the capital, which was the residence of the Captains General and Generalissimo Máximo Gómez Báez and , whose areas for many years were located the Botanical Garden of Havana. In 1906, this garden was registered as an important reference site in the World System of Botanical Gardens, and, after the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, it housed the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

With this background, the Quinta de los Molinos was the place selected to hold this meeting. According to Habana Radio, Leonardo Pascual, Director of the center, welcomed a group of participants to the event.

He also details that the day began with a tour of the Quinta, in order to show the entity's experience as a promoter of environmental education. It also included a visit to the General Headquarters of the Liberation Army, which develops various socio-cultural actions. In this property the specialists of the Quinta, offered a detailed explanation of the history of the place and the activities that are carried out in this center.


Photo: Havana Radio

Within the framework of this conclave, an executive project was presented, whose purpose is the creation of a Demonstration Center for Renewable Energies, which is inserted in the project "La Quinta de los Molinos, towards a new sustainable energy model and green culture" , carried out jointly by the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana (OHCH), the Cooperation Assembly for Peace (ACPP) and the Citizenship Foundation, with financing from the Extremadura Agency for International Development Cooperation (AEXCID).

The initiative responds to the desire to draw up a strategy that allows for the year 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed in the UN Agenda, to increase electricity generation with the use of renewable energy sources. Currently only 6% of the electrical energy in Cuba comes from these sources; In the long term, the country intends to reach a 37% use of renewable energy sources, with the aim of reducing costs and guaranteeing eco-sustainable development.

The institution, from its educational and training dimension, bets with this project to materialize fundamental objectives. First, there is the creation of the Renewable Energy Demonstration Center, which will be the first of its kind in Cuba.

Similarly, it intends to implement a system of solar panels that, according to the planned design and the study carried out, will enable the center to obtain 100% of its energy from renewable sources. In this way, the Quinta de los Molinos would become a model of actions aimed at the preservation of the environment and sustainable development in the city of Havana.


Photo: Havana Radio

During the day, those involved were also able to participate in a tour of the City Museum -Palace of the General Captains- and the Center for the Interpretation of Cuba-Europe Cultural Relations -Palace of the Second Cape-.

With these visits, the group had the opportunity to learn more about the actions carried out by the OHCH to contribute to well-being, accessibility and sustainability for the territory and for people.

Related information

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