Eusebio Leal Spengler

Eusebio Leal Spengler

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publicado el 05/06/2022

Tribute to Eusebio Leal at UNESCO

Audrey Azoulay, French civil servant and politician, Director General of UNESCO, was in charge of the main words of a tribute to Eusebio Leal Spengler, a man who has dreamed of utopias and carried out great achievements.

To pay homage to him is, of course, to evoke the scholar, the talented historian and the tireless man of action.

His formidable reputation has preceded him. He has met all the Director Generals of UNESCO of his time.

For my part, I had the good fortune to share with him on several occasions.

In Paris, but above all, in Cuba, on the occasion of my official visit to the country in 2019.

During that mission in Cuba, the historian had the kindness and strength to receive me despite his health problems.

And I have had the honor of visiting Havana in his company, this city about which he had an encyclopedic knowledge.

Doctor Eusebio Leal Spengler was a truly exceptional person, as all those who knew him will attest.

However, to talk about Eusebio Leal is not only to talk about the man, but also -and this is the purpose of the beautiful exhibition that UNESCO dedicates to him- to talk about his city -Havana- and his country, Cuba.

And as a symbol, this ceremony coincides with the 40th anniversary of the inscription of the old city of Havana on the World Heritage List and the 75th anniversary of Cuba's accession to our Organization.

Few historians – especially self-taught ones like him – can pride themselves on being so committed to a city, a city to which he always returned.

Better than anyone, he showed the exceptional heritage of that city, where Moorish architecture, the Baroque style of the Cathedral and the neoclassical composition of El Templete mix and respond to each other.

As well as the eclecticism of the Havana Center, the art nouveau of the Palacio de Cueto and the art deco of the Bacardi building.

Without forgetting, of course, the Havana of modernity and its jewels. I am thinking particularly of the House of Schulthess, by the Viennese Richard Neutra.

This architectural polyphony, which gives Havana its identity and its special atmosphere, encourages us to imagine, reflect and dream, just as Eusebio Leal would have it.

Evoking Old Havana, how can we not also think today of the explosion that affected the emblematic Hotel Saratoga earlier this month. My thoughts are with all the victims, finally expressed the Director General of UNESCO.

Taken from Havana Radio


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