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publicado el 04/06/2022

Evaluate damage caused by the rains in Havana

With the presence of the member of the Political Bureau and president of the National Assembly of People's Power, Esteban Lazo Hernández, the Temporary Work Group of Havana evaluated the actions carried out in the capital to recover from the effects of the tropical depression.

Meteorologist Aylin Caridad Justiz assured that there are favorable conditions for the rains to continue to decrease, localizing in some areas and moving towards the center of the Island.

However, the specialist warned that a trough continues over the national territory causing rains at intervals and that it can affect especially in the south of the capital.

In response to a question from Lazo, the provincial delegate for Hydraulic Resources, engineer Manuel Paneque,

He specified that yesterday the entire volume of rain fell that should have been precipitated in the first months of the year, which made it possible to cover the deficit for that period.

In the Ariguanabo basin, 129 mm of rain were recorded, while Vento increased the level of its flow by 12 centimeters, which makes it possible to increase the supply to the city by 200 mm.

The dams reach 70 percent of their filling capacity, except for the Rebel Army. An average of 100 mm of rain fell, twice the rate considered as heavy rain.

The provincial head of the Civil Defense, Lieutenant Colonel Luis Hernández, reported that at dawn this Saturday the death of two people was lamented, a 69-year-old adult in Centro Habana due to a collapse and another 54-year-old (resident of La Lisa) in Boyeros, by drowning; One injury is also reported.

111 landslides were counted, of them two total, and 23 flooded areas; the ones with the highest volume were those that occurred in La Polar (Cerro), El Fanguito (Plaza de la Revolución) and El Pontón (Centro Habana).

The First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party, Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, referred to the impressions of the tour carried out yesterday with the Governor of the city, Reinaldo García Zapata, through the last two communities, and the actions carried out by the authorities of the Municipality of Plaza in El Fanguito to safeguard the residents who live on the banks of the Almendares River, and exposed the plans that are valued to solve this problem definitively.

Lazo referred to the attention that must continue to be given to these communities, to resolve their most urgent problems.

Regarding the number of evacuees, the Civil Defense updated that the figure amounts to 4,522, of which 3,970 evacuated themselves in the homes of relatives or friends.


Information in development


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