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publicado el 12/06/2022

Festival of the Arts, a meeting of culture and community

By Elena Godinez Dalmau

Promoted by the University of the Arts (ISA), this twelfth edition of the Festival of the Arts took over the capital's neighborhoods and communities with dissimilar actions that will not culminate this Sunday, May 29, but rather will encourage bonding between students, teachers, artists , with the transformations of the neighborhoods that are also in correspondence with the premise of taking culture everywhere.

Various workshops were part of this event; and children, adolescents and young people had the opportunity to participate in the activities that gave life to artistic manifestations such as dance, theater, crafts, music, as well as the exchange between the academy and the community on the cultural impact of the neighborhoods .

From Animated ICAIC joy also came to the schools of communities such as El Fanguito and multiple social projects of the country's universities radiated with their initiatives to La Timba, Lindero 14, La Dionisia, among others.

The arts festival will culminate with a great arts festival that will have the Cultural Center 31 and 2 as its central space.

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