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publicado el 12/08/2023

The Cuban Disco Party Cubadisco 2022 pays tribute to the Nueva Trova movement on its 50th anniversary

By Elena Godinez

The Nueva Trova movement celebrates its 50th anniversary with the joy of having filled multiple generations with life and hope. From its early years, this movement had young people capable of poetically reflecting the nation that was beginning to be born.

The singers and composers of this movement represent more than necessary figures in the Cuban musical scene. Remembering their interpretations and compositions and embracing those who gave so much so that this movement reached Cuba and the world is the purpose of the great musical festival Cubadisco 2022, an event that pays tribute to the 50th anniversary of a song that does not age, of a song to the heart and to the Cuba of everyone.

The constant care of the lyrics in the song, the evocation of the homeland, of love, of extolling the female figure from poetry, texts that captivate for their high artistic level and that reach our days adding to their songs those who knew the world this 21st century and seek in the Nueva Trova that feeling of the past, present and future.

The Nueva Trova artists have been messengers of a social project, connectors of the island with its people, with the Latin American poetic work of Guillén, Martí or Cesar Vallejo, a source of inspiration for multiple musical movements on the continent, a guide for current and future generations of singer-songwriters who seek refuge in a song that is committed, renewed and full of identity.

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