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publicado el 21/04/2022

Diaz-Canel visited People´s Council Eléctrico in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo.

By Elena Godinez Dalmau

As part of the fourth governmental visit to Havana, the president of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz –Canel Bermúdez, accompanied by members of the Ministers Board visited the People´s Council Elétrico in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, where Kirennia Pomares Aldama, intendent of the municipality, welcomed them and provided the delegation with information about the 897 actions that are being carried out in the territory.

The integral work displayed on the seven educational centers, the Polyclinic and the Doctor´s Offices distributed in the area of this People´s Council, which started just two months ago, was of transcendence.

The Minister of Education, Ena Elsa Velázquez; Minister of Transport, Eduardo Rodríguez; Minister of Internal Commerce, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, Minister of Economy, Alejandro Gil; Minster of Public Health, José Angel Portal Miranda; and Minister of Work and Social Security, Marta Elena Fleitó, were also part of the delegation.

Main problematics in the territory were explained and at the same time, the solutions provided for issues like the water supply, transportation, the repairs to be carried out in doctor´s offices, the increase of service in the chain of shops, among others.

The work displayed with unemployed people, the opportunity of developing three fairs to generate work opportunities where 118 people have been inserted in educational programs and works that are being performed in areas of importance in the territory, was part of the information shared with the delegation.

The president showed interest in the engagement of the community in the social transformation.






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