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publicado el 18/04/2022

Health fair in the Las Canteras neighborhood of Playa municipality.

As part of a fair that from the community intervene with education, consultations and educational talks to the population, this Sunday numerous health professionals developed several activities in Las Canteras, one of the five neighborhoods in transformation of the capital's Playa municipality.

Radio Metropolitana reports that part of the staff of the provincial directorate of Health in Havana and numerous workers of the sector in the locality, participated in the meeting, where the population acquired medicines, consultations were made with health personnel and received donations of anti-scalp mattresses, canes and wheelchairs for the needy.

According to this media, Dr. Flor Suarez, head of primary care of the municipal health department, explained the objectives of this type of intervention and the results they hope to achieve.

Also as part of this festive Sunday for the victory of the Cubans in Playa Girón, in the Parque Martiano , children and young people enjoyed sports games, mixed competitions, rope pulling, dancing and singing, among other recreational and cultural options.

The Las Canteras neighborhood, with nearly five thousand inhabitants, belongs to the Siboney Popular Council of the Playa municipality and is one of the most active in blood donations among other activities linked to the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR).

Photo: Onoides Díaz Hernández

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