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publicado el 14/04/2022

Díaz-Canel Visits Havana's Miraflores-Jesús Menéndez Neighborhood in Boyeros

We have to participate and support, because this is everyone's work and it is for the better, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel said today during a visit to the capital's Miraflores-Jesús Menéndez neighborhood, in the municipality of Boyeros.

In a thread (series of tweets), the Twitter account of the Cuban Presidency reported Díaz-Canel's visit to that community, in which, after listening to the explanation of what is being done in the neighborhood, the president alluded to the concept of "progressive transformation".

This is one of the 11 communities where transformation work is being carried out. They are working on sanitary and hydraulic networks in 114 homes where 2,132 people reside."

According to another tweet, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and president of the Republic visited the Medical Clinic, a mixed warehouse, the children's playground, talked with the residents and verified the progress in the hydraulic-sanitary works.

"The President visited the Medical Clinic, a mixed warehouse; he saw the progress in the hydraulic-sanitary works, and the children's playground. There was no shortage of dialogues with the villagers, who applauded and answered any question from the President. #VamosConTodo" (Let'sGoWithEverything).

In his farewell speech, the Cuban president stressed that although progress has been made, we must continue to do so.

We are leaving happy, but we must continue. We are going all out for more, he said.

During the tour, Susel Lameré, first secretary of the PCC in the municipality of Boyeros, said that nothing is more important than the self-esteem and dignity of a human being.

This fidelist concept has marked everything that is done in the neighborhood, she said.

"Nothing is more important than the self-esteem and dignity of a human being. This fidelist concept has marked everything that is done in the neighborhood, according to Susel Lameré, first secretary of the Communist Party in the municipality of Boyeros".

Belonging to the Armada-Aldabó Miraflores Popular Council, the Miraflores-Jesús Menéndez neighborhood is one of the 11 communities in the municipality where transformation work is being carried out.

There, they are working on sanitary and hydraulic networks in 114 houses, where 2,132 people live.

According to the Presidency, one of the main social challenges of this community is to continue incorporating young people between 16 and 30 years of age into employment.

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