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publicado el 11/04/2022

Office of Procedural Formalities Facilitation expands its digitals services.

The Office of Procedural Formalities Facilitation for the Payment of Contributions(OFA) facilitates the execution of services and formalities through virtual platforms for the people of Old Havana and Centro Habana.

In statements made to the Cuban News Agency(ACN), Edenia Bonito Peña , head of Control and Monitoring of the OFA, pointed out that the main goal of the organization was to collect the contribution of the self-employed belonging to the Prioritized Zone of the Office of the Historian of the City(OHCH).

She explained that, after a request made for the head of the country to computerize society and to turn the Historic Center of the city into a smart city, they are undertaking new digital services to fulfill the task.

She commented that concrete actions are being taken such as the complaints´management from the customers to institutions such as the Presidency, Banking and Finance Institutions and Electronic Commerce.

According to Peña, juridicial services are the most requested by people since through this system they can get documents like Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificate and Will or Acts of Last Will.

The functionary stressed that all of the formalities that are being carried out this way help to decrease the duration of the formalities and improve the quality of the service provided to the inhabitants and visitors of the capital center.

The OFA and its facilitators grants, in some cases, a PIN for users to verify the status of their formalitiesor legal procedures, which usually last from 7 to 30 days to be solved, stated Bonito Peña.

She meant, that the specialists of the OFA guide the procedural process and serve as a link between customers and the entities for certain services or complaints.

In the modality of Contribution to the Heritage , she especified, subscribtions are managed by the office itself, as well as the registrations and perceptions through three diferent ways: contributor´s digital identification, digital signature and the abilitation of the virtual home of the user. This formalities can be made in –person at the Digital Self-Services Stations or through the website of the organization.

In this regard, Bonito Peña stressed that any  user may deposit cash at Banco de Crédito y Comercio and Banco Metropolitano´s branches, by carrying the digital ID of the OFA.

For in-person and virtual electronic payments the clients can use, whether the magnetic card through the POS spots or by ChatOFA(in WhatsApp) by writting the word Payment.

The Transfermóvil platform is another choice-she added-due to it facilitates the on-line payment by using USSD and QR codes, and pressing the Contribution to the Heritage button, that can be found among its features.

She further explained that the intention is  to extend the service to the rest of the municipalities in Havana and the rest of provices in the country due to the need of elimitating obstacles in the performance of this kind of formalities.





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