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publicado el 07/04/2022

Housing units delivered to families in the El Fanguito neighborhood in Havana

In the neighborhood of El Fanguito, in the capital municipality of Plaza de la Revolución, a ceremony was held to deliver new houses to six families, with the presence of Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, first secretary of the Party in Havana; Reinaldo García Zapata, governor of the city and Ana Julia Marine Lopez, vice minister of Communications.

Excited and grateful, the beneficiary families received the keys to their homes from Torres Iríbar and García Zapata.

Vulnerable families who lived in very deteriorated houses on the banks of the Almendares River many years ago are starting a new life in comfortable housing, as part of the neighborhood transformation program.

The six families benefiting from the new houses joined the support forces of the Cuban Telecommunications Company (ETECSA) and the construction brigades working in the El Fanguito neighborhood to demolish their old houses on the banks of the Almendares River, where a new project of social and environmental impact for the community will be born.

Photos: Cecilia Valdez Milán

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