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publicado el 19/03/2022

Technologic Park of Havana enhance its services.

Delegates of the Provincial Assembly of the Communist Party of Havana and representatives of the municipalities of Marianao, San Miguel del Padrón and 10 de Octubre, toured the facilities of the Scientific- Technologic Park OF Havana.

Tribuna de Habana published that the attendants exchanged with the board of the institution about the different projects associated to technology of information and telecommunications.

In that sense, Rafael Luis Torralbas Ezpeleta, president of the Trade Society Technologic and Scientific Park of Havana explained to the delegates that the objective of the park is to create and develop of enterprises with a technologic base in the computing, automatics and robotic fields.   

He detailed that right now 31 project are on the go, and 10 SMEs with a technologic base have been created.

The initiatives include more than 460 professionals belonging to the universities and research centers of the state and non- state enterprise sectors and students of the University of Computing Sciences(UCI) and the Technologic University of Havana José Antonio Echeverarría (Cujae), it was further commented.

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