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publicado el 27/02/2022

The Supreme Court of Cuba is consolidating the use of information and communication technologies.

The Supreme Court of Cuba is consolidating the use of information and communication technologies in order to streamline procedures for the population and optimize the internal processes of the organization throughout the country.

As an example of these advances, it mentions the use of applications such as Civix, conceived by the Center of Electronic Government of the university of Computing Sciences (UCI) to provide users with an online platform to file complaints, denouncements and requests, search orientation with institutions, as the General –Attorney´s Office of Cuba and the Supreme Popular Court of Law for getting, in a reasonable timeline, answers.   

The published note adds that work is underway on another functional tool aimed at streamlining the work of judges and auxiliary personnel of the chambers and departments of the country´s courts of law.

In this regard, Aymara Cisneros Catón, head of the IT department of the People´s Provincial Court of Santiago de Cuba, explained that the Electronic Judicial File (Xejel)is designed to digitalize all the documents and procedures that are part of the printed or traditional file, making it possible to control the status of the process in real time.

She also added that the data can be registered only once, and the resolutions, proceedings and official documents generated in the form of predetermined templates, which avoids errors and speeds up the tasks.

Since the second half of 2020 this initiative is part of the work routines in all the courtrooms of the Supreme People´s Court and in this way possible corrections are verified and conditions are created for its extension to the other courts of the island, gradually and progressively to be extended, so that the equipment must be completed, in order to reach the municipal bodies. The benefit will be for everyone, said Cisneros Catón.

According to the website of the Supreme Court, the implementation of this instrument is intended to raise the quality of services to the people in the judicial area, with increasingly expeditious, effectiveness and more transparent procedures.

Related information:

Modifican denominacion, sede y competencia de las estructuras de tribunals de justicia.



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