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publicado el 02/02/2022

British Newspaper The Guardian highlights success of pediatric vaccination against Covid-19 in Cuba.

The British Newspaper The Guardian echoed this Tuesday the success achieved by the vaccination process in pediatric population against Covid 19 in Cuba and assured that the Caribbean country is the first to immunize two-year-old children.
The Swedish rejected it, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that United States might approved it soon, Chinese started the process, but Cubans have already vaccinated almost the entire children population against Covid-19, pointed out the Newspaper.
The text adds that more than the 95% of the population between 2 and 18 years of age have received the complete vaccination scheme.
It also mentions the opinion expressed by Dr. Gerardo Guillén, one of the developers of the Cuban vaccine Abdala, who explained that despite Coronavirus symptoms are minor among children they constitute an important transmission factor of the disease.
More information: Abdala muestra 92.28% de eficacia en su esquema unico de tres dosis.
Moreover, pointed out the expert, children and young people´s vaccination is one of the highest rates in the world and the flock immunity achieved during the peak provoked by the Delta strain last Summer contributed to Cuba exhibiting lower infection levels than the United States and Europe, in the midst of the new wave caused by the Omicron variant.
The Guardian gathers concerns expressed by international experts about the application of the anti-Covid’19 vaccines in little kids and contrast them with Cuban scientists’ statements that stated that clinical trials phase I and II of Soberana and Soberana Plus in 350 subjects between 3 and 18 years of age did not report adverse side effects.
Link Soberana Plus
Further information: Esquema de Soberana 02+Soberana Plus alcanza 91.2% de eficacia.
The newspaper added that outcomes gathered in the trials were sent to specialized magazines for been published, and within the next few weeks there will be sent to the World Health Organization as part of the required to get the international approval for export.
According to data provided by the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba, 87.5% of the 11.2 million inhabitants of the island received the full vaccination scheme with Abdala, Soberana 02 or Soberana Plus, and 4.5 million people received the booster dose.
Read: Sube a 87.8% la población vacunada contra Covid-19 en Cuba
Link for Mambisa
Source: Cubadebate



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