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publicado el 26/01/2022

Drug Nasalferon could be used to fight different respiratory conditions.

Nasalferon, a drug developed by the CIGB and currently used to fight Covid-19 could be used in the treatment of different acute respiratory diseases, revealed an authorized source.

Statements made by the general director of the institution revealed that the drug´s usefulness to treat different acute respiratory diseases should be demonstrated through clinical studies that are now being designed.

The drug is a formulation of recombinant Apha-2b-human interferon by the nasal route, whose immunomodulatory and anti-viral properties prevent the replication of SARS-COV 2, which causes Covid-19 and strengthen the immune system.

The functionary recalled that, once its safety was proven, this drug had a protagonist moment when Delta strain of the new coronavirus entered the country and it was necessary to increase the defensive response of the population.

In an interview held to the multistate news Telesur, Ayala referred that immunization by the nasal way is one of the that the CIGB has developed for more than 15 years using a formulation for the chronic hepatitis B.

There are many people infected with this disease all over the world and we have a vaccine registered since 2015 called Hebervasnac, she said.

This formulation is capable to stimulate innate immunity in the mucosae’s, which is a concept applied in the anti-Covid-19 vaccine candidate Mambisa, added.

We have been able to prove that an improvement in the capacity of the neutralizing antibodies takes place in vaccinated people or convalescents to Covid-19.

Once the studies conclude, she added, the formulation will be presented to the national regulatory agency in order to get the emergency use approval, which he hope could happen during the first trimester of the year.





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