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Fecha: 06/12/1970

The Federartion of Middle Level Education Students (Federación de Estudiantes de la Enseñanza Media, FEEM).

This Federation groups students from the different middle level Education schools in Cuba. It watches the rights and duties of this level student, as well as the interests and needs. The Union of Secondary Students and the Students Brigades José Antonio Echeverría were the previous ones and gave their experiences to the new federation; which had the objective to guide the students concerns.

Union of Secondary Students

Cuban Students Organization founded in 1962.It was a precursor of the current Federartion of Middle Level Education Students.

Students Brigades José Antonio Echeverría

It was a contingent of militiamen created at the University of Havana in October 1959 as an initiative of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro. Students, professors and workers of the University were its members and had the aim of defending the Revolution and face the internal reaction within the educational center.

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