Imágenes y Palabras

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publicado el 24/11/2021


The José Martí Memorial is located in the center of Havana's Revolution Square. It is a gigantic monument of almost 142 meters high and 78.50 meters in diameter, being the tallest structure in all of Havana. As a permanent historical and cultural center, at the base of the monument erected in homage to José Martí, a Memorial was inaugurated on January 28, 1996, where various aspects related to his life and work can be appreciated.

The monument houses a museum and a lookout located at 129 meters above sea level from where you can contemplate impressive views of the city. Large photos, murals, plans, all his iconography, photos of family, friends and collaborators, facsimiles of his most significant manuscripts, including the first known letter he wrote to his mother, as well as copies of the prince editions of his books make up the most complete exhibition dedicated to our National Hero.

On the first floor of the monument are 79 Marti's thoughts engraved in gold letters, scattered in five rooms. Right in front of the monument is a 17-meter-high marble statue representing José Martí seated and pensive. Two rooms of this center are dedicated to reflect aspects of the life and work of José Martí. A third deals with the history of the Monument and the Plaza de la Revolución and the remaining rooms are dedicated to transitory exhibitions and the celebration of political and cultural activities.

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