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publicado el 24/11/2021

The municipality of 10 de Octubre also benefits from the transformations in the neighborhoods

Elena Milagros Godinez Dalmau               

The People´s Council Luyanó-Jesús del Monte (Tamarindo and Luyanó), El Matadero, El Hueco, Gertrudis, Armenteros, and Los Telefónicos, in the municipality of 10 de Octubre are part of the neighborhoods transformation plan carried out by the capital government with the municipal administration and the state and private sector entities that are supporting this endeavor

Several were the problems that afflicted the residents of this area, from the instability and deficit of drinking water, construction and repair of housing, rehabilitation of road infrastructure, citadels and transit communities that also needed help in this territory.

In this sense, road of the municipality of 10 de Octubre as well as other nearby have been benefitted with more than 31 208 tons of asphalt, thus consolidating the repair of damaged sidewalks.

Parks and homes have been repaired, complaints from previous years have been addressed, schools, kindergarten and libraries’ maintenance have been carried out as well as commercial establishments such as warehouses and markets, as part of this necessary transformation in the municipality and which residents of the place are so grateful for when they appreciate the concern of the relevant authorities for the improvement of the quality of life of the people.


Transformation of a bodega(warehouse) in the Tamarindo neighborhood.

The municipal authorities agree on how essential it is to address and solve the concerns of the population so that there is also a greater social engagement in all the process, as well as provide maintenance to medical offices and hospitals in the area as they are an important line to serve our population, not only in this Covid-19 times but every day.

Companies such as TabaCuba, MINAG and the Ministry of Transportation have been linked to these tasks and some others close to the municipality while serving as an employment source for the unemployed people. Neighbors have expressed their happiness in regard with these transformations despite the fact that progress is not often what they expect.  However, the change is now noticeable more than ever and the people have had the opportunity of feeling themselves useful and to accompany these transformations as a revolutionary duty.

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