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publicado el 09/10/2021

Guevara always Cuban

"(...) Through life I have spent searching for my truth (...)"

                                                                                          Ernesto Che Guevara

Guevara of deep ideas as Fidel would say. Guevara de la Sierra and the guerrillas. Guevara more than Argentine. Guevara always Cuban.

For the youth of our country, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna represents more than revolution. Che is admiration, respect, internationalism, critical thinking, hope, sacrifice.

Young university students see him as a tireless adventurer through the paths of Latin America in search of justice and that is how we want to be, committed, innovative, guides of our reality, of our destiny, so that no one tells us how we should act or where to prosecute. our ideology.

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Che, Ernestico as we like best, because he looks like us. Always in the stands, in the armed struggle, in the face of wrongdoing; but also in sports, with family, friends.

f we defined in a few words what Che represents; for a young Cuban it would not be enough. The Heroic Guerrilla was not only that internationalist doctor and fighter who in Mexico joined the expedition members of the yacht Granma, or that man we all identify by the phrase Until victory always!

He was more and in this way we want to remember him, like that young man that everyone called El Pela'o because he cut his hair when he studied Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, like that father who, even though he was far away, watched over to remain in the memory of his children and like that traveler who, together with his friend Alberto Granado, set out on a motorcycle in search of the truth of the people.

We young people today are capable of seeking that truth, that reality, and improving it in accordance with the principles of equity and social justice.

The scenarios have changed and today the Cuban people's struggle is focused on not allowing our revolutionary process to be defeated, even though the unconventional war of the United States against the country persists.

However, it is in this context that young university students join forces and, inspired even more by Che's example, we make it clear that we will be against the economic blockade and aware of the votes in the United Nations General Assembly, in addition, we will continue to debate the draft of the constitution because we are part of this island, because we are the future.

No one imagines that the struggle of the Cuban student body will stop, because there are plenty of spaces to demonstrate our commitment to the Homeland. From the universities through study, active participation, the example and the avant-garde that Che Guevara defines and that represents the conviction of each young Cuban, we will be the reflection of the highest values, not only for the generations of this island, but for the rest of the world.

Che aspired for young people to be dissatisfied, thoughtful, fair, reckless, combative, responsible and always ready to learn something new, to create, to transform. For this reason, the sense of duty, an ideal that the commander always had in mind, accompanies these generations before the call of our Revolution.

Today, when we mourn for another year the loss of the eternal guerrilla, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, his example grows stronger, not only among young people, but in all Cubans who in one way or another take Che anywhere, on a coin, a book, a sweater, a tattoo; but also in each action, at work, in our human sensitivity and above all in a truth that he himself highlights: "we are future and we know it."

By: Elena Milagros Godinez Dalmau

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