
Rating 3 - Votos (5)

536 visitas

publicado el 03/10/2021

Which street in Havana localizes The silversmithing House?

The Casa de la Orfebreria (The silversmith House) is located in Obispo between Oficios and Mercaderes streets in La Habana Vieja ( The Old Havana). You can watch the great work done by the craftspeople of different epochs in this place. The objects show the mastery of embossing, engraving, chiseling, enameling, and filigree techniques. This house-museum evokes Havana Goldsmith tradition and exhibits a vast collection of pieces as a proposal to satisfy human beings needs.

In the room for jewels and watches we can see pocket and table watches from France, Great Britain, Switzerland and other countries. Special works of art are preserved in this room such as red coral necklace, ornamental comb and earrings with diamonds, gold and jet hair slide and earrings, inlaid bracelet as well as earrings.


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