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Fecha: 28/07/1960

Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara delivers a speech at the first Latin American Youth Congress.

In his speech he emphasized: "Comrades of America and of the whole world: It would be long to enumerate now the individual greetings that our homeland gives to each one of you, and to each one of the countries you represent. We wish, however, to make a distinction with some people representing countries punished by catastrophes of nature or by catastrophes of imperialism."

#S1Latin American Youth Congress

Between July 28 and August 6, 1960, the Latin American Youth Congress was held in Havana, advocating understanding, cooperation and the necessary unity against imperialism. The event was attended by 339 delegates from 23 countries and more than 230 youth, student and trade union organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.

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