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Fecha: 26/07/1959

Fidel Castro delivers a speech on the occasion of the VI anniversary of the assault on the Moncada Barracks.

In Havana's Civic Square, today José Martí Revolution Square, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro delivers a speech on the occasion of the VI anniversary of the assault to the Moncada Barracks. At one point in his words he pointed out: "In speaking to you at this moment, the first question, the first idea that came to my mind was to ask myself why such a great weight of gratitude to your people for the excessively generous tokens of affection and adhesion you have given them should weigh on a citizen like yourselves; why, if in the end we have done nothing more than try to do our duty, if in the end this is not the work of a man but the work of a people, it is not the merit of a man but the merit of a people, it is not the glory of a man but the glory of a people and, above all, the glory of the men who have fallen to make possible these moments of happiness that Cuba is living".










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