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publicado el 09/07/2021

The capital city reports 524 of the 6422 new positive cases to Covid 19 in Cuba

Dr. Francisco Durán, National Director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health, in a press conference, at the end of yesterday, July 8, informed that, 6 422 new positive cases were confirmed for a total of 224 798.

To date, 1451 casualties have been reported (28 of them belongs to the day), 3 163 medical discharges (belonging to the day), and 24 330 confirmed cases of which 24 168(99.3%) with a stable clinical evolution, 198 981 medical or epidemiological discharges. There are 71 critical patients and 91 in critical status.

Of the amount of patients diagnosed, 524 belong to the capital; 51(119- ) of them are native and 7 imported. The biggest amount of PCR tests done corresponding to a 21.4 %( 9534) of the total, belong to the capital. The capital shows a positivity of a 5.5% standing in fifth position of the rest of the provinces.

Francisco Duran confirmed 2 casualties in the capital, with an incidence rate of 317.2% per 100 000 inhabitants, which shows a slightly decrease in the reported cases but, he warned it still remain high transmission rate and it is spread along all the municipalities. He pointed out, that the biggest amount of active events (64) of the 195 reported, are from the capital.

The most affected municipalities in Habana were Boyeros(77), Arroyo Naranjo(55),Playa(48), Diez de Octubre(47),Centro Habana(43),Marianao(38),Cerro(37),Lisa(34), Habana Vieja(33), Plaza de la Revolución(28),Habana del Este(26),Guanabacoa(21),San Miguel del Padrón(20),Cotorro and Regla(6).

44 653 test were studied for Covid- 19, with a result of 6 422 positive samples. Accumulating 5 452 664 analyzed samples of which 224 798 (4.17%) were positive.

Of the amount of confirmed cases, 6 239(97.9%) were contact of confirmed positive cases for a total of 214 735(95.25%). There were 41 imported cases (0.6%) for a total of 9 382(4.1%). There were 88 cases with unknown infection source.

There were 6381(2006+) native cases and 41 imported confirmed this Thursday. Of the amount of cases, 3339(52%) female and 3083(88, 5%) male cases.

49 251 patients remain hospitalized for clinical epidemiological surveillance, 16 891 suspicious, 8030 under medical watch and 20 882(575+) confirmed representing a 9.2 %, of which 24 330(99.3%) with a clinical stable evolution. An amount of 198 981(88.5%) have been discharged from hospitals.

Of the 6422 positives cases, 542(8.4%) were asymptomatic, accumulating a total of 93 309, which represents 41.5% of the confirmed cases.

Of the 6422 confirmed cases, 1275(366+) were under 20 years of age; 1909 between 20 and 39; 2089 between 40 and 59 and 1 1149 over 60.

The death rate for Covid 19 in Cuba, in July 8, 2021 is of 0.65% per million inhabitants, which is lower than the 2.16% for the world and the 2.62 % for the Americas region.

Source: Digital Portal for the Government of La Habana/YG

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