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publicado el 22/05/2021

José Martí in Guatemala Literary Essay Contest

As part of the program of the celebrations for the Bicentenary of Guatemala’s Independence, and the 144th anniversary of José Martí’s stay in that Center-American country, The Embassy of Guatemala in Cuba and the Center for Studies Related to José Martí make a call for participation in the José Martí in Guatemala Literary Essay Contest.

The contest is open to all those who desire to deepen in the literary legacy of that Cuban hero during the time he lived in Guatemala (1877-1878), the country where he wrote (in the end of 1877) one of his essay: “I arrived months ago at a beautiful country: I arrived being poor, unknown, fierce and sad. Without decreasing my decorum, without putting down my fierceness, that sincere and generous country gave shelter to this humble pilgrim. It made him a teacher, which was making him a creator. It extended its hand and I shook it. Guatemala is a welcoming, rich, and honest land, I must say”.

According to the contest’s instructions, all literary essays between 25 and 50 pages will be accepted under the condition that these are unpublished. The literary essays will be received through the email: The admission deadline is July 15, 2021.

Three distinguished literary specialists will compose the jury that will evaluate the works sent, and their decision is not open to appeal. There will be a Single Prize of 12 000 Cuban Pesos. The results will be made public in September 2021, during the celebrations for the Bicentenary of Guatemala’s Independence.

Center for Studies Related to José Martí


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