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publicado el 07/05/2021

The Association of Pedagogues of Cuba

The Association of Pedagogues of  Cuba was founded in Havana,  on March, 6, 1989 and together with this,  an important space for Cuban Teachers was created. It is located in 41st Avenue, 3603 between 43 and 45,  Kohly in Playa municipality.  In the first Scientific event of  The Main Institute of Pedagogical Sciences (Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas) celebrated on July 28 and 29 in 1988,  the creation of a Scientific Society was promoted which served to join Cuban professionals of pedagogical sciences and with the unanimous idea  of all participants it was agreed to organize a committee aimed to develop the necessary studies and proceedings related to this association.

Since its foundation,  the Association of Pedagogues of  Cuba has worked hard to respond to the challenges that the development of society has  posed  to pedagogical sciences and Cuban educators. This association has made an effort to develop the pedagogical sciences in the country and to accomplish this, collaboration in defining and solving its main problems has been an important goal, as well as to encourage the development of scientific research in the field of pedagogical sciences and support scientific research policies in Cuba.  Moreover,  the Association of Pedagogues of  Cuba has promoted knowledge exchange and the dissemination of scientific research among researchers of pedagogical sciences by means of scientific publications, the organization of  pedagogical conferences, meetings, contests and other events.  

Reparto Kohly

Kohly district is located in Playa municipality. It is said  that it was built together with the economical growth of  the first  XX century postwar. It was designed by a French architect. The social structure which fed this district was made up by aristocratic families of Havana and Vedado, and  other foreign ones.  With the triumph of the Revolution,  and hence the disappearance in theory  of the bourgeois  class, some of the big mansions of the Kohly district were dedicated to community service.  Later, company offices  and other government institutions were established, as well as residences for some who had fought for the Revolution and outstanding professionals. 

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